Inspiring the Youth to create change!!!

Saturday, August 26, 2006



As the days get darker and darker

With the headlines creating more and more fear

And the news getting more and more depressing

In times where the daylight is feared just as much as the dark

And people fear for their lives from people they know as well as strangers

We are growing up in a world facing many problems and issues

Where the darkness of these days are blinding us

In times like these, who has the vision to see a way out?

Who will answer the call to make a change?

I see in the distance the shadow of a people who have risen up

They have broken away from the rest of their people

They emerge from the alley ways and the staircases

Not carrying with them drugs or needles, but the Qur’an and the Sunnah

They graduate from their universities, colleges and schools holding their certificates in their hands

Knowing that the exam of live continues

They resist the temptations that surround them every day

When they introduce ‘him’ to the family

It is a day of celebration and not humiliation

They walk the streets with their eyes on the ground

But their heads are held up high

They have respect and honour, not because they rule their yard

But because they rule by Islam

Who are these people, who give their time, energy, wealth and lives to make sure that the Deen does not disappear?

Today we have sown the seeds of change

But who will water it, so that it may bloom?

We all have a role in building our futures and making a change

There exists the problem and the solution

Everyone here today can be a leader in their own right

We can all break away from the crowd

And instead of following everyone

We can lead them in the straight path and make that change

Only YOU can decide which side you want to be on,

Are you a part of the problem OR are you a part of the solution?

“Oh you who believe, respond to the call of Allah and His Messenger when He calls you to that which would give you life…”

Saamiah Salam


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salaam to all,
mashallah Saamiah i really enjoyed that.

8:39 pm, August 28, 2006

Blogger ~*Sabrun Jamil*~ said...

Wa alaykumu salam wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu

Yes me too! it's very inspirational don't you think :)

MashaAllah sis :)

12:52 am, September 02, 2006


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