Inspiring the Youth to create change!!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Arrogant People - Ummah Films - Season 2

Arrogant People

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hijab with tight clothing

Hijab with tight clothing

When u wear the hijab u feel good
Coz u know its right
But when u put on your tight fitting clothes
The angels take flight
And stop singing your praises

You’re caught up in the middle
Being Muslim and western
Your mind knows that its Allah u should obey and follow
But you’re confused
About which pill to swallow
And u try and follow the middle path
Even though u know their aint no such thing
But u just can’t resist not wearing bling

You’re young and vulnerable
In a society that’s just corruptible
Taking advantage of your naivety
Models with size 6 and 8 clothing
On the billboards and magazines
Brainwashing u

It’s hard to resist
And they persist
Pictures everywhere
Nowhere is safe
So u gotta buy those clothes
And go on a starvation diet to make sure they fit

Doesn’t always go with the hijab
But u try and make it all blend in
Coz you’re a victim of fashion
Which in every nation
Is like a God
Dictating and manipulating
Young minds
Filled with false images of beauty
Trying to conform

I know coz it affects me too

People comment and talk about u
Behind your back they stab u
With words
Cut like a razor
Are u aware?
Does it not faze ya?
Upset ya
Make u feel that you’re letting down your deen

What’s the point
Wearing a hijab
With tight clothing
Gaining reward
And losing it
When u put on your tight jeans and top
Should u not stop and think?

U cry modesty in self defence
Make the non-Muslim woman the basis
And say Islam urges modesty and moderation
Quote modernist scholars
Those who sell out Islam for just a few dollars

You say women in the west are oppressed
And slaves to man and society
Have no respect or dignity
Used and abused like products

But what about you
Who are u a slave to?
Allah or fashion?

U always justify
And compare and contrast
With those who wear less than u
My words may be harsh
But u know it’s true

I’m only saying
What others are thinking
And saying behind your back
Giving u advice
Coz your actions are harming us

It’s easy to judge
And harder to change and budge
From following kufr
At least u make an effort
But Islam we take completely
Coz halfway Islam don’t mean nothing on the last day
When we will all stand in front of Allah naked

Authors: and Shifa

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Time Is Not Money (The Muslim's Duty Regarding Time)

Time Is Not Money (The Muslim's Duty Regarding Time)

Khaled Al-Jeraisy

Time Management - An Islamic View

© Author

Islam encourages Muslims to care for time, to utilize it and not to waste it. Besides, it holds them responsible for their time. The Righteous Salaf were aware of that responsibility, so they acted accordingly. Describing their care for time, Hassan Al-Basry said, "I saw those people and how they were more careful about their time than about their Dirhams and Dinars [i.e. their money]." [Abdullah Ibn-Al-Mubarak, "Az-Zuhd" (Asceticism), p.51.]

An important requirement for a Muslim's life is to be careful about time, to invest it wisely and to benefit from it. In this regard, Ibn-ul Qayyim says, "The highest, most worthy and most useful of reflection is what is intended for Allah and the Hereafter. There are various forms of reflection intended for Allah. One of them is reflecting on time duty and function and focusing entirely on it, for the knowledgeable one is the breed of his time. If he wastes it, all his interests are wasted, for all interests arise from time. If he wastes his time, he can never regain it." Also, Imam Shafi'i said, "Out of my company with Sufis, I benefited only two things, one of which is their saying: like a sword, time will cut you if you do not cut it. ..." In other words, if you do not spend time doing something useful, you are the loser by wasting it.

As expressed by Imam Hassan Al-Banna, "Time is life itself." This reflects Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah's saying: "One's time is in fact his age. It is the material of his eternal life either in everlasting joy or painful torture. It passes more quickly than clouds do. It is only the time one dedicates to Allah that constitutes one's real life and age. The rest does not count; the life he leads in it is only animal life. Compared to a life of indulgence in appetitive activities, false aspirations and negligence of Allah's remembrance - and at best in sleep and being idle - death is a much better alternative."

Time is considered a vehicle for work. According to Ibn-ul-Qayyim, "The year is like a tree, months are its branches, days are the branch sticks, hours are its leaves, and the breaths are its fruits. Therefore, if one's breaths are in obedience [to Allah and His Messenger], the fruits of his tree are good. If they are in disobedience, his fruits are bitter. The harvest is on the Appointed Day, when one's fruits are found out to be either good or bitter."

Such is the Islamic view of time, and such were the ways of the Salaf ways with it. How do we compare with them now?! Obviously, there is a big gap between the way they cared for time and the way we are wasting it. The sad and painful thing about us now is that "our nation has been improvising ways of wasting time at the public and the private levels. As a result, the world is already proceeding to the future without us, as if we were the 'orphans of history'. If such improvisation is not directed to investing and utilizing our time properly, the gap between us and the future will widen further, and we will remain importers and consumers of cultural products. Eventually, our survival will be entirely dependent on the producers of those products." [Khuldun Al-Ahdab, "Reflections on the Value of Time"] Therefore, Muslims must unite their efforts to identify weaknesses for treatment, and must give time its due attention as demanded by Islam.

The following are some of the most important duties demanded of Muslims:

  1. Ensuring benefiting from time
  2. Utilizing leisure time
  3. Racing for good deeds
  4. Learning from the passage of time
  5. Seeking the superior times
  6. Planning and organizing time
  7. Fulfilment of time commitments
  8. Necessary awareness of time wasters